Thursday, July 14, 2011

Heal the Wound but Leave the Scar

This morning for my devotional time I decided to do something a little different . . . well . . . I didn't really plan it, it just sort of happened. Instead of reading from II Chronicles, I just focused on a song that meant a lot to me and why it meant so much . . . here is the story. : )

When I was a kid, probably about three years old, I remember my parents telling me that when we go to heaven we won't have any scars because Jesus is going to give us new bodies. This should have made me happy but instead I was really sad and upset about it. I didn't want to give up my scars. Those were my bragging rights! I've always loved telling stories and scars were like an automatic story just waiting to happen.

"Hey, where'd you get that?"

"Well, let me tell you about that day . . . "

As I got older my sentiment didn't really change about my physical scars, but instead of making blunders of the klutzy kind, I started making mistakes that didn't leave physical wounds but emotional. Whether that was a fight with a friend or just saying or being or doing things that weren't too smart. Those scars I could do without. Yet I realized that even though these new scars weren't as cool, they still told a story of how I was growing and maturing . . . and how God was working in my life whether I cared or not.

I don't really mind as much today; not being able to take my scars to heaven. That's because I already have scars in heaven. And those scars have a really cool story that go with them. Those are the scars Jesus has in His hands, feet, and side. They were meant for me. But so I could live in heaven with Him forever, He endured the pain that created those scars . . . for me—and you. And forever and ever, I will be able to tell the greatest scar story (which is really the greatest love story)—starting now!

This is the song that brought this all to mind one day . . . Heal the Wound but Leave the Scar by Point of Grace.

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