Friday, June 15, 2012

I Thessalonians: Pretty Heavy on the Theology

I've been  contemplating buying a new Bible. I'm between the Remnant Bible and the Andrews Study Bible. Either I think will be good but I'm just not sure which one to get yet. But Wednesday morning as I was looking through my current Bible, I that my Bible looked too nice . . . I didn't mark it up enough  . . . it doesn't even look like a used it much. It was kinda sad for me to look through it. This is the Bible that I've had since I was 11—11 years. And I wish I had spent more time in it. Understanding it and learning from it. I've never even read it through once.

I decided that before I buy a new one (or at least move on completely to a new one), I want to use this one out. I want to thoroughly get everything out of it that I can before moving on. I hate waste, and looking at my Bible, it seemed like I was going to be wasting it to just go out and get a new one. 

In order to "use it up" I'd like to read it through, meaning to simply read the parts I've never read before. And not be afraid to mark it up.

I'm starting with some small books in the New Testament—ones I can read in one sitting, so that I feel like I'm actually accomplishing my goal right from the start before I move on to longer (and what I think will be more boring) Old Testament books—but I'll probably be proved wrong on the boring thing . . . hey I actually enjoyed I Chronicles . . . haha. 

Anyway . . . today I read I Thessalonians. At first the book was a lot of greeting niceties before finally getting to some pretty heavy theological issues in chapter 4. It talks about the theology of death and in chapter 5 the fact that we won't know when Jesus is supposed to come back. I'd heard these verses before but never knew where to find them. I actually feel like my faith is getting stronger and that I can defend what I've been taught since a child better now. That's a really cool feeling. 

Okay . . . that's it. lol :) 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Titus: Powerful

I never knew Titus was such a powerful book! I seriously loved it and marked it all up. lol