There wasn't one bit of genealogy in chapter 10 this morning. Instead it was the horrible story of how Saul and his sons died in battle.
Saul's sons had been killed (including David's best friend Jonathan) by the Philistines in a battle. Saul knew they were going to come after him next and begged his armorbearer, "Draw your sword, and thrust me through with it . . . " 10:4. But the armorbearer refused because he feared killing the king I suppose. The Bible here only says he wouldn't do it because he was "greatly afraid."I mean, his job was to protect the king not harm him. So Saul killed himself by falling on his sword and afterward the armorbearer followed suit and fell on his own sword also.
It was such a tragic death . . . the whole battle. I Chronicles doesn't really go into details here about it but I've heard the story before and the bit of info that's written here is not pretty. Here was a great man who fell from greatness because he chose to stop trusting in God.
It was like those guys a few chapters (and blog posts) back who called on God in the heat of battle and trusted him and were saved, but after the battle they started worshiping the gods of the people God had just conquered for them and He then allowed them to be taken captive. They stopped trusting in God.
So the key to life . . . trust God.
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