Wow . . . it's been almost a year and a half since I've last written on this blog. But nevertheless, I'm back. And I'm reading Amos. Why? Well, no reason really other than I haven't read the book before and it's a short one. I'm still with the same Bible since I haven't read through it completely (honestly I forgot I'd made myself that promise . . . the truth is I just haven't put the money aside to buy a new one).
Since I'm taking a Spanish class, I've decided to read through Amos in both languages . . . in an attempt to get a better grasp of this language.
I'm not really sure of the Biblical or historic or prophetic importance of the book of Amos . . . I guess I could Google that . . . but whatevs . . . so I don't really understand it . . . (I should probably get someone to explain it) but what I do understand is that God is pretty upset at lots of different people because they either betrayed others, killed others, or did horrendous injustices to others.
And that's pretty much all I understood. Besides enjoying the way the lines were written and the cadence, I honestly didn't get much out of the first chapter of Amos in either English or Spanish . . . we'll see how the rest of the book is and whether I find a Bible scholar to fill me in on some background details.
Peace - Paz :)